
It feels like an eternity since I’ve been back here. I was hoping to get some writing time in during Spring Break but that was quickly retracted when I came down with a cold.

After recovering from the cold, I was kept busy by taking care of my mother after she injured her back.

After that, I came down with a strong stomach flu that kept me out of commission for about two weeks.

I couldn’t work on any assignments nor do anything around the house, I was also subjected to a bland/liquid diet until I got better.

Finally after two doctor’s visits, 3 medication prescriptions and a shot of penicillin, at the start of this past weekend I began feeling better. In the back of my mind I feel like I was wearing myself out with my study/work ethic. I never gave my body a break to rest because I was always on ‘GO GO GO’ mode and only shut off to get a few hours of sleep.

I took this as my body’s way of telling me to slow down. It was loud and clear.

So, over the weekend I enjoyed a movie and am finally reintroducing myself to real food again. Let this be a lesson learned, I will use weekends for what they were intended; to relax.

Alas, the weekend is over and it is Monday. I’m getting back into the routine of studying because I sure do have a lot to catch up on. I will make a real post sometime during this week now that I am fully functioning again. Thank you all for being so patient!

About Clarissa

I'm Clarissa--a self proclaimed geek therapist from Texas! Inspired by fellow therapists with nerdy interests, I want to contribute my own insight and passion of anime, fandom and other categories of pop culture by applying themes into the real world for us to implement in our own lives. Let's channel Luffy's fearlessness and positivity! Be the Deku that does their best! Let's open the discussion about anime and mental health together!
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5 Responses to Update.

  1. Glad to hear that you are finally getting better. Why is it that we always have to get sick around the holidays?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. clcouch123 says:

    It’s always good to hear from you, Clarissa. Life does take its own time, doesn’t it? I’m sorry you were sick and your mom laid up. I’m glad you let yourself enjoy a movie along with real food (that you now can have). I hope catching up and moving forward with studies goes successfully. Even though there’s much to do, your body tells you, as you say, when you’re overburdened. So take good care of you along with everyone and everything else. Write when you can. Don’t worry about it when you can’t. Pax.

    Liked by 1 person

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